MBB College Fresher Reception: Tripura CM Dr. Manik Saha Calls for Determined Efforts Towards Excellence.

In a momentous gathering at Rabindra Shatabarshiki Bhavan on Monday Tripura Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha addressed students and attendees at the Maharaja Bir Bikram (MBB) College fresher reception. The event celebrated the commencement of the academic journey for the Fresher Batch of 2023 marking a significant chapter in the history of Tripura premier educational institution.

MBB College being the first and traditional college of Tripura state holds a distinguished legacy producing numerous talented personalities who have earned acclaim both nationally and internationally. Dr. Saha emphasized the responsibility shared by all to work with determination towards enhancing the quality of education provided by the institution.

We are committed to making Tripura the best Tripura and only through such collective efforts can we realize our dreams and goals asserted Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha during his address.

The reception witnessed the presence of key figures, including Rajib Bhattacharjee MBB College Principal, and various dignitaries. The enthusiasm of the fresher batch was palpable as they embarked on this educational journey under the guidance of experienced faculty and the rich legacy of MBB College.

As the state aspires to achieve new heights in education and development the Chief Minister urged the students to channel their energies towards academic excellence and character building. He underlined the role of MBB College in shaping future leaders and contributors to society.

The commitment to excellence echoed through the event setting the tone for a promising academic year. With the support of dedicated educators administrators and the collective determination of students MBB College stands poised to contribute significantly to the educational landscape of Tripura.

Chief Minister along with other dignitaries, extended best wishes to the Fresher Batch of 2023, encouraging them to embrace their academic journey with passion, integrity, and a commitment to making a positive impact on society.